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Airlift stranded passengers to Srinagar without delay

Party Vice President, Mr Abdul Rahman Veeri that said the government cannot turn a blind eye towards the hardships stranded passengers are facing at present and demanded airlifting of these passengers to Srinagar without delay.

Mr Veeri has urged the governor administration to come to the rescue of the stranded passengers at an earliest, as according to him among the people who are stranded at the winter capital are aged patients whose saving have got exhausted and they have no means to afford hotel accommodation.

Mr Veeri said the government is duty-bound to extend all possible help to the stranded passengers in Jammu and make arrangements for their free of cost flights to Srinagar so that they could reach their homes safely.

“In 2005 when J&K PDP was in power, it arranged several flights for Stranded passengers at Jammu then and the expenses of the same were borne by the government itself. At present, a similar situation has emerged. One wonders that what is stopping the government to come to the rescue of the people who have to bear the brunt of highway closure due to inclement weather,” Mr Veeri said.

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